Leadership & Management

Effective Delegation

DIY to Getting Things Done.
0.5 hr Video | 6 Lessons

Leaders who embrace the adage, “If you want something done right, do it yourself,” tend to micromanage, become overburdened, and lose sight of bigger-picture goals.

Advancing to a role in leadership shifts our responsibility from completing tasks to guiding others as they complete tasks. For expert leaders, this shift in mindset can be especially difficult. Delegating is more than issuing orders or dumping to-do list items on the nearest team members. Leaders must learn to delegate tasks to the right candidates in ways that empower growth, optimize performance, and ensure that organizational expectations are met. 

Led by seasoned executive coach and leadership expert Bridgitt Haarsgaard, this course offers a deep dive into the principles and practices of effective delegation. Bridgitt's extensive experience in training leaders across various sectors provides invaluable insights into the art of delegating tasks efficiently while maintaining quality and team morale. 

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Effective Delegation

Enroll today to unlock round-the-clock access to Effective Delegation on any device connected to the internet.

Our engaging video lessons, meticulously crafted learning guide, and course toolkit items are purposefully crafted to not only enhance your understanding to empower you to seamlessly integrate your newly acquired knowledge into your everyday responsibilities.

Start taking your professional development personally and reach your potential through true learning and enduring behavioral change.

The GAARD Group Product Suite

Leaders who delegate effectively not only create time for themselves, but they increase investment, efficiency, and autonomy by creating important development opportunities for their team members.

  • Avoid Delegation Derailers: Recognize common challenges and barriers to effective delegation, including reluctance to delegate and fear of losing control.
  • Delegate to Create Opportunity: Identify tasks and responsibilities ripe for delegation within roles that empower team members.
  • The Right Person for the Task: Learn task matchmaking tactics to assign the appropriate team members tasks based on their skills, interests, and developmental needs.
  • Communicate Clearly and Effectively: Develop strategies for delegating tasks clearly, that build competencies, ensure understanding, and align with organizational standards.
  • Set Them Up for Success: Provide the necessary resources and support and set everyone up to tackle new delegated tasks.
  • Delegate Strategically: Learn a reliable delegation framework that ensures success when delegating tasks and projects within your team.

Effective Delegation

    1. Copy of Welcome to Effective Delegation

    2. What is Delegation?

    1. Barriers to Delegation

    2. What Can We Delegate?

    1. Effective Delegation

    2. Strengthening Delegation

    1. Course Learning Guide

    2. Key Concepts

    3. Deciding What to Delegate

    4. Delegation Assessment Worksheets


  • $147.00
  • 0.5 Hours of Video Content
  • 6 video lessons
  • 25 Page Learning Guide
  • Toolkit & More


Bridgitt Haarsgaard

CEO and Founder of The GAARD Group

Bridgitt has a background in Sales, Sales Leadership and Entrepreneurship. She developed the GAARD Method to create actionable and lasting behavioral change in the business world and beyond. Bridgitt uses her Clinical Psychology education to prepare professionals—from entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 executives—for the challenges of today’s business environment. She specializes in individual and team effectiveness, women’s leadership, as well as innovation & change management. Her methodology has propelled over 10,000 careers on four different continents.