Leadership & Management

Effective Coaching Conversations

Relationships that Unleash Potential.
0.5 hrs Video | 7 lessons

Great coaches lead individuals to reach heights of success that would otherwise be unattainable through transformational relationships focused on improving performance and achieving goals.

Coaches inspire, challenge, and empower their teams to find their limitations and push beyond those boundaries to discover and step into their full potential. When businesses embrace coaching in their approach to leadership, they can spark unparalleled growth and success in their team members and organizations that radiate from the inside out.

Executive coach and leadership expert Bridgitt Haarsgaard takes you on a deep dive into the dynamic world of effective coaching. With over a decade of experience coaching executives and high-performance teams, Bridgitt brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the topic. She has tackled coaching challenges that range from encouraging hesitant contributors to give their all and speak up to guiding spitfire CEOs away from ineffective ranting toward providing clear, concise, constructive feedback. 

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Effective Coaching Conversations

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Our engaging video lessons, meticulously crafted learning guide, and course toolkit items are purposefully crafted to not only enhance your understanding to empower you to seamlessly integrate your newly acquired knowledge into your everyday responsibilities.

Start taking your professional development personally and reach your potential through true learning and enduring behavioral change.

The GAARD Group Product Suite

Learn to integrate coaching into your leadership strategy and encourage individual and team successes that allow everyone to reach their full potential.

  • Evaluating Individual Needs with The Skill/Will Matrix: Understanding where competencies and motivation intersect will help you determine the most effective approach for helping each individual set and achieve their goals. 
  • Wield the Power of Questions: Explore issues fully and navigate nuance with powerful questions that encourage clear communication and facilitate breakthroughs and insights. 
  • Listening to Learn: Resist “fake listen” and actively listen to empower your team members to unlock their own solutions and take ownership of their growth. 
  • The GROW Coaching Model: Facilitate goal setting and problem-solving with the classic 4-stage GROW model. Learn to lead others through goal setting, reality checking, options exploration, and plotting their way forward. 
  • Personalized Coaching Development Plan: Set a goal for integrating coaching into your leadership style while continuing to develop your skills. 

Effective Coaching Conversations

    1. Welcome to Effective Coaching Conversations

    2. What is Coaching?

    1. The Skill/Will Matrix

    2. The Power of Questions

    3. The Power of Listening

    1. Reflective Listening

    2. The Grow Coaching Model

    1. Course Learning Guide

    2. Key Concepts

    3. GROW Coaching Plan


  • $197.00
  • 0.5 Hours of Video Content
  • 7 Video Lessons
  • 36 Page Learning Guide
  • Toolkits & More


Bridgitt Haarsgaard

CEO and Founder of The GAARD Group

Bridgitt has a background in Sales, Sales Leadership and Entrepreneurship. She developed the GAARD Method to create actionable and lasting behavioral change in the business world and beyond. Bridgitt uses her Clinical Psychology education to prepare professionals—from entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 executives—for the challenges of today’s business environment. She specializes in individual and team effectiveness, women’s leadership, as well as innovation & change management. Her methodology has propelled over 10,000 careers on four different continents.